This isn't really a photo worthy of being put up on a photography blog(hence the cross process), but, I'm putting it up to show my Mum and my mummy friends.
These are the precious gifts that were made for me by my kids for Mother's Day.
Daughter made the bunch of foam flowers at school and Son made the beaded necklace and picture at Preschool. I'm especially excited about his picture because I haven't seen him draw faces so well or his name so legibly. I was so excited about it!
Best Mum's Day pressies ever!!!
Hope all you yummy mummy's had a great Mothers Day.
~ Ky x
ps. If you haven't already worked it out, I'm not doing the 365 anymore. I will however, still be putting up photos when I get time. Just as if it's still a 365 but without counting them because it won't be every day.
Thank you for your lovely comments. I haven't visited any of you back or replied to emails because I just don't spend much time on the computer anymore. I'll try to come see you soon though. x