Monday, March 21, 2011

34/365 - Crema

I have been a little MIA lately.
I just haven't had ANY desire to be in blogland of late. It all started when my computer crashed. Hubby has fixed it for me, but it's not working as well as I'd like it to be and that's a bit of a turn off.
Time for a new computer me thinks. Hint, hint honey.

I am of course, way behind on my 365. I have no intention of playing catch ups, but I will just pick up where I left off. Hope that's ok with y'all.
I'm also way behind in my blog reading. I don't have the time to play catch ups on that too, so you'll just have to bare with me on my commenting on your fab photos. I'll get there eventually.

Today's pick is a macro of the crema on my flat white coffee. Just think, every single coffee ever made looks different. No two are the exactly the same. Just like snow flakes.

Happy Monday to you all.

~ Ky x


Photography said...

Mmmm making me want one :-)

Michelle said...

Yay, Ky. You're back! :) Looks yummy. I could go for a cup right now.

Amanda said...

Lovely macro shot! Glad to see you posting too!!!

Yasher said...

Beautiful! I just love the way you look at the world through your camera!

I refuse to be tied to my computer - when it feels like a chore, it isn't fun anymore and I don't have an ounce of guilt about doing other stuff until the online world interests me again. I hope you enjoy your MIA time. We'll all still be around when you're... IA. LOL